Jacob Morgan Enterprises



Inspired by Renaissance Era ethos, Jacob Morgan blends spiritualism, philosophy, psychology, business, and reductionism in mediums that shake old status-quos. The Enterprise is a melting pot for numerous creative outlets that further the mission of helping accelerate the consciousness evolution of individuals and groups alike. A natural leader with the heart of a phoenix, his ability to resonate with very diverse peoples lends to his success. 

With nine years of experience in public speaking & lean, MVP startup business, Jacob has a refined eye for business models and process effectiveness. While strongly suited in analytical thinking, his empathetic and personable heart helps him bring out the best in projects, clients, and groups. Along his path of working in seven industries he has forged strong skills in digital media and artwork creation, prototyping with nine digital manufacturing machines, and leading a learning environment for five generations of students.

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"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."

- Albert Einstein.

We serve and support a variety of individuals, groups, and business needs. Explore our main services below and submit an inquiry so we can get you the right help :)

Project Types

  1. Artwork Creation
  2. Custom Promotional Items
  3. Freelance Business Development Talent
  4. Idea * Concept Prototyping
  5. Private 1-on-1 Coaching
  6. Project Consultation
  7. Work-For-Hire
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